Kuno has one of the most unique combination of forest and vegetation in entire Madhya Pradesh and adjoining areas which can only be seen to be believed. In Forestry terminology (i.e. Champion & Seth Classification terms), the forests of Kuno National Park are broadly classified into the following types:
“Southern Tropical Dry Deciduous Forest”
- Southern Tropical Very Dry Teak Forest
Northern Tropical Dry Deciduous Forest
- Northern Dry Mixed Deciduous Forest
- Northern Tropical Dry Deciduous Scrub
Edaphic Climax
- Anogeissus pendula Forest – “Kardhai”
- Anogeissus pendula Scrub – “Kardhai Scrub”
- Boswellia Forest – “Salai”
- Butea Forest – “Palash”
Degradation Stages
- Dry Savannah Forest
- Dry Grass Land
Primary Seral Types
- Tropical Riverine Forest
Northern Tropical Thorn Forest
- Ravine Thorn Forest
- Zizyphus Scrub
Thus Kuno National Park’s forest area is mainly dominated by Kardhai, Salai, Khair trees among mostly mixed forests, this also helps it in having a variety of species of flora and fauna. In all, a total of 123 species of trees , 71 species of shrubs , 32 species of climbers and exotic species and 34 species of bamboos and grasses are found in Kuno National Park.